Transcripts and Diplomas
Transcript Evaluation and Course Planning |
During the admissions process or once a student enrolls at New Summit Academy, the Academic team will request and evaluate all transcripts that document earned, accredited high-school credits to date.
Using this information, NSA will create and share with the student, parents, and support team a course progression plan that will allow the student to earn credits most effectively during his projected time - which is determined by his Master Goal Plan - at New Summit Academy. This may include credit recovery courses or repeating courses to improve a transcript. This course progression will be created to move toward earning required credits for a New Summit Academy diploma, however, any unique credit needs to meet future high school, college, or state requirements will be scheduled whenever possible. This course progression will in no way be set in stone, but will serve as a flexible guideline to which changes can be made based on each student’s individual progression through the NSA program, and his team’s decisions regarding transition. NSA will always work with students to develop a solid college-preparatory transcript regardless of the student’s plans for post high-school graduation in our efforts to provide as many opportunities as possible for our graduates. |
High School Diploma RequirementsIn order to earn a college-preparatory High School Diploma from New Summit Academy, students must successfully complete the following minimum requirements:
A Total of 24.00 Carnegie units (1.00 credit = 1 year course) of classes in the following areas:
Academic AccreditationNSA is accredited through 2027 by Cognia as an independent school providing a U.S. curriculum and diploma. NSA’s CEEB code is 834256. |