We use the term "personal growth" instead of "therapy" to define what we do at NSA. Our students are not broken and do not need to be fixed. Part of what we model and teach is that every human being is on a personal growth journey throughout their entire lives. What is most important is to understand one's own process of personal growth and one's unique way of reflecting, learning, growing, changing, setting and reaching goals, and becoming their best self.
To work on the self within, a student:
New Summit Academy's SCAFA (Self, Community and Future Assessment©) is the product of years of experience and research that resulted in the development of our tool to assess individual growth based on integrated holistic goals. Development began after exploring and attempting to find a measurement of growth that was strengths-based and holistic rather than overly focused on reduction of negative symptoms. A multi-disciplinary committee at NSA developed an assessment which attempts to measure growth and progress in various categories of self, community and future preparation. Please see the SCAFA page (Current Parents) for more details.